I’ve just been reading a post in Michael Afronti’s blog titled “Share Me!” in which he describes a new interface in Outlook “12” (also known as Outlook 2007) that lets you share things like RSS feeds (among other things, I guess).
One question that I had that wasn’t answered in the post (or in response to my comment, and I reckon I had the least negative-sounding comment of the lot! Apparently a lot of people don’t like the new UI, though I’m going to reserve judgment for when I actually try it out myself). That is, I assume there’s going to be a MIME extension involved here to send the messages outside of Exchange (like how sending calendar or meeting events has a MIME type of text/calendar), so is that new format going to be documented? Better yet, will it just use standard document types (maybe an attached .opml file results in the new UI?)
Hopefully it’s documented, otherwise third-party mail UAs will have to reverse-engineer Outlook’s MIME type in order to handle the message in a decent way. I guess time will tell.