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I read quite a few blog posts. Why? Because I find them insightful and interesting.

I don’t get as much time as I’d like to to read them, though. Why? Well, a man’s gotta work.

There’s a theme with these three paragraphs. Why? Because I want to demonstrate a point. And that point is:

I hate, I hate, I hate the single-word sentence “Why?”! To me it’s just a sign of lazy writing. If you make a statement and then want to explain your reasoning, then you don’t need to inject the single-word sentence “Why?” in between. Just explain the sentence!

Blog posts are supposed to be informal, I know, but to me that just means they should read as if I was talking to you. Have you ever said “Why?” to someone and then immediately proceeded to give them the answer? I don’t think so.

I just read this post on the Scobleizer, and he used the “Why?” sentence three times in the one post! Now, I should be the last person to criticize Scoble and the article was otherwise quite interesting ($1,000 for an urn of coffee? Get out of here!) but I just couldn’t get past the over-use of that one-word sentence.

Or maybe I just need to take a break…

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